So this above picture is the Linux distribution logo ASCII art shown in Terminal.You might see a lot of people sharing above screenshot of their terminal and you wonder "How do they do that?" or "I am still Noob to Linux" and you keep worrying. Dhaaaa...stop worrying. This is as simple as eating you breakfast though you might have to install certain packages and software in your Linux distribution.
Screenfetch is one of the simplest way to display your Linux distribution logo ASCII art in your own terminal and not only this Screenfetch too displays your basic hardware specification of your laptop with theme and font that are currently you are using.
Install screenfetch in your Linux Distribution :
1) Install Screenfetch in Ubuntu based distros such as Linux Mint, Elemantary Os, Zorin Os, etc :
sudo apt-get install screenfetch
Note : For Ubuntu 14.04 based distros, they must have to add PPA:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:djcj/screenfetch
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install screenfetch
2) Install Arch-based linux distros such as Manjaro, Chakra,etc :
sudo pacman -S screenfetch
3) Install in Fedora based distros:
sudo dnf install screenfetch
after installing screenfetch, its very easy to use. just open your terminal(ctrl+alt+t) and type
and see the magic.
You will see your Linux distribution Logo ASCII art along with your hardware specification. Enjoy your Screenshot sharing too.
source: itsfoss
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