How to install Kali Linux 2.0 tools in Ubuntu tested Linux distro?

Features :
  1. Add/ Remove Kali linux repositories
  2. Install all Kali Linux tools
Requirements :
  1. Requires Python 2.7 or greater
  2. A Linux OS (based on Ubuntu)
Installation :
just open terminal and copy and paste following code : 

             sudo su
       git clone && cp katoolin/ /usr/bin/katoolin

chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
sudo katoolin

if this don't work than,
  1. Just go to
  2. Download the zip file from git
  3. Extract it to /usr/bin/ (don't forget to go superuser by typing sudo su)
  4. you will find 
  5. open it by typing   python
  6. And you will see the screen as above
Usage : 
  1. select the number that you want to install
  2. press 0 to install all tools
  3. type back to go back
  4. type gohome to return to default katoolin screen.


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